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Blast Doors Operating underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility.
Vertical Lift Door Operation.
Animation of a vertical lift door.
Four Fold Door operation.
Animation of a four fold door.
Electric Power Door Hydraulic Four-Fold Install.
This video shows how to adjust the pneumatic sensing edge switch. This switch provides the door's leading edge reversing/stopping function during the closing cycle for Electric Power Door's hydraulic and electrically operated door operators.
This video shows how to assemble and tighten the hydraulic fittings on hoses and other components. It also instructs the methods to make and route the hydraulic hoses that run from the pump unit to the door operators that are used on Electric Power Door's hydraulically operated four fold & swing door systems.
This video shows how to fill the hydraulic system with oil. It also shows the procedures used to remove trapped air (bleeding air) from the system. It additionally describes valves mounted on the manifold. The valves are used to control the opening and closing motion of the door panels on Electric Power Door's hydraulically operated four fold & swing door systems.
This video shows how to adjust the hydraulic control valves mounted on the manifold. The valves are used to control the opening and closing motion of the door panels on Electric Power Door's hydraulically operated four fold & swing door systems.
This video shows how to adjust the limit switches used to provide the door position to Electric Power Door's hydraulically operated four fold & swing door operator.
EPD Blast Door Operator
This video shows the typical blast door installation instructions.